As of about a week ago baby girl's kicks got very strong. I love it! We can see her rolling around in there and it's so exciting. She kicks quite a bit when I first lay down to go to sleep. I can wrap my arm around my belly (hugging it) and can feel her everywhere. It's so sweet to think of her all stretched out in there. I love guessing what body part that may be that is protruding.
My very favorite part of all this kicking is that she settles down quickly when I lay down to sleep and I don't feel anything all night. When my alarm goes off I open my eyes and just lay there for a little while and she wakes up also! Amazing! This little interaction makes me feel so in tune with her and fills my heart with joy!
I'm still taking vitamins and trying to force myself to eat more veggies and less sweets. It's tough to resist the bad stuff when your belly is poking out anyway!
The nursery is moving along. We have a white jenny lind crib, the bedding is in, the chandelier is
There's still lots to do and I am aiming to get it all done so I can relax and enjoy my maternity leave to the full extent with nothing to distract me from my baby.